Sillogos goneon ke kidemonon atomon me anapiria TO ERGASTIRI
"TO ERGASTIRI" is a non-profit organization that aims to assist in the social integration and general well being of adults with learning disabilities. Our activities aim to provide quality services and creating new opportunities for people with learning disabilities and their families. As well as psychological support, counselling and social integration, support for development of self image and identity, training, maintenance of family structure and relationships and social consciousness rising. “To Ergastiri” offers occupational training and integration of those who are capable to enter the free labor market. Vocational and art training workshops include bakery department, laundry, weaving, carpet making, pottery batik printing, music and gardening. Learning basic skills in computer use through interactivity offered by new technologies achieved the development of new motor and cognitive skills. Also “TO ERGASTIRI” provides Semi – Independent Supporting Housing programs for our adults. Through our program of activities and positive guidance, residents gain important life skills and reach their full potential.
FRA-UAS belongs with ca. 12,500 students, 230 professors and more than 600 research and administrative staff to the major Universities of Applied Sciences in Germany. Students come from more than 100 nations. The four faculties: (1.) Architecture, Civil Engineering, Geomatics; (2.) Computer Science and Engineering; (3.) Business and Law (4.) Health and Social Work enable interdisciplinary science, development and research. Interdisciplinary cooperation is embedded in the processes of the FRA-UAS. Science and research are supported by a vast variety of laboratories amongst others the permanent exhibition and research centre “Independent Living Centre. The Independent Living Centre was honoured by the Hessischer Staatspreis für Universelles Design Anerkennung (Hesse National Award for Universal Design – Recognition).
The National University of Ireland (NUI), Galway is the largest and oldest university based in the west of Ireland, employing in excess of 2,000 staff with a 17,000 strong student population. NUIG is the home of the Irish Centre for Autism and Neurodevelomental Disabilities (ICAN), which is a centre of excellence dedicated to the generation and dissemination of research, which aims to improve the lives of individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders. The centre focuses on intervention-based research, which addresses the core skills deficits and co-morbidity issues in children with ASD. Furthermore, the Behaviour Analysis Research Clinic (ABRC) within the School of Psychology have significant expertise in the area of Behaviour Analysis in the development of interventions to both initiate and maintain socially significant behaviours. NUI Galway has particular expertise in the state-of-the-art methodologies used to conduct randomised controlled trials within applied community settings.
Federation of European Social Employers (Social Employers)

The Federation of European Social Employers (Social Employers) represents employers in the field of social services at European level. The Social Employers understands social services to comprise of all care and support services, especially for older people, people with disabilities, children, and other excluded and disadvantaged groups. The overarching aim of the Social Employers is to strengthen employers in social services and to work towards the recognition of social services employers as sectoral social partners at European level. The Federation has 26 members in 16 European countries who together employ several million staff.
European Association of Service providers for Persons with Disabilities (EASPD)

EASPD – European Association of Service providers for Persons with Disabilities - is a wide European network with 160 members representing around 17.000 services across Europe and across disabilities. The main objective of EASPD is to promote the equalisation of opportunities for people with disabilities through effective and high quality service systems. The work of the organisation is based on three interconnected pillars of Impact (European Policy), Innovation (Research & Development as well as implementation of international projects) and Information (for the members).
Jaunuoliu dienos centras (JDC)

Jaunuoliu dienos centras (JDC) is a social service institution that was established in 1996 by Panevezys Town Council in Lithuania. We provide day activities for less able youngster’s severe and moderate physical and intellectual impairment over 18 years of age. These activities include small work tasks, drama, art, sport, IT and informal education. We also provide pre-VET education for intellectually disabled students. Our mission is to foster the uniqueness of each person while working towards the integration of people with special needs into society.
Cyprus Certification Company (CCC)
The Cyprus Certification Company (CCC) is a Government-owned Certification Organization founded in 2001 and operating as a private company with the Government being its only shareholder. It is managed by a 7-member Board, which comprises of representatives from the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Energy, Commerce, Industry and Tourism as well as from organizations of the private sector such as the Cyprus Employers and Industrialist Federation, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Technical Chamber, the Academia and the Consumers Association. CCC operates in the field of certification of management systems, certification of training programs and training and exam centers, inspection of playgrounds and playground equipment, inspection of lifts, product certification, CE marking etc. CCC also operates a training center approved by the relevant government body (the Human Resource Development Authority - HRDA) and provides training in relevant to its services subjects, and also in specialized areas as those arise from the industry’s needs.
M.M.C Management Center Ltd
M.M.C Management Center Ltd has been founded in 2002 and provides training courses for Adult Learning and for VET. The training department uses specialised tools for the implementation of training needs analysis of different target groups as well as for the evaluation of the training results. Additionally, MMC uses specialised assessment tools developed by its research team. MMC has developed its own e-learning platforms for the development of key competences as well as for language learning. Additionally modern ICT and other methodological tools are often used during trainings. MMC has a vast experience in coordination of projects as it has already coordinated very big projects such as EQUAL, Leonardo DOI, Leonardo TOI and Key activity which proves that is can successfully coordinate this consortium also. Through its participation in several European projects MMC has participated in several transnational meetings and events, therefore its staff has developed its intercultural awareness and is able to work effectively in a European environment.
TANDEM Social and Integrated Cooperative has been created on 16th December 1997 at the conclusion of Project Tourism for All – Horizon Programme of the E.U. It has 34 worker members, 15 being people with disabilities. Tandem is certified ISO 9001:2008 for planning, managing and delivery of guidance, information, counselling, training and assistance for disability; planning and managing of European projects in the social field. In the consultancy sector, Tandem carries on Call Centre “SuperAbile – Information and consultancy service for disability” promoted by INAIL where answers are given in the fields of laws, equipment and rehabilitation, architectural barriers, job insertion, mobility, travel, sport and leisure time. In tourism Tandem has acquired long experience and know-how by carrying out national and international projects for the promotion of Tourism for All, organising services and special events for mobility, doing surveys over the territory.
Founded in 1985, Omega Technology is an experienced and well known IT provider company in Greece. The Company serves Greek public bodies, enterprises and other organizations with technology and services made possible by its 34 years of experience. Its solutions include e-learning, virtual reality applications, assisted living solutions, tailor-made applications for people with disabilities, as well as e-commerce applications, document and knowledge management systems. The company is also offering a broad range of management and services including consulting, research and development, digitization, annotation and preservation of content, hardware supply and technical support. The company’s research department is active in the R&D arena, in close cooperation with Academia and Research Institutes, running several R&D projects and market validation projects.
SenseWorks LTD
SenseWorks is a new startup company offering innovative solutions for the smart monitoring applications market. The company is focusing on users’ needs that are not yet built into new products. Research work is focused on exploiting potential and synergies of different technologies able to support people in daily needs and activities. Starting its operations, from September 2013, the company has developed two own products, a wireless flood detector and a wireless soil moisture sensor, as well as own software for power monitoring and energy saving. The company has several installations of power monitoring hardware and with its own software offers real time information on energy consumption generally for a company and for specific equipment that is monitored separately. Company’s research team works with different wireless protocols for network setup and a number of sensors that offer handy measurements. The goal is to present low power systems able to track people behaviors and environmental data at an indoor and outdoor environment in real time. Research is also taking place for wearable non-intrusive sensors.

Fondazione Santa Lucia (FSL) is a nationally renowned hospital for neuromotor rehabilitation and research and teaching center. A high-technology six-storey building covering a total area of over 30,000 m² hosts more than 2000 patients per year suffering from cerebrovascular disorders, neuro-muscular degenerative disorders, brain and spinal cord injury-related disorders. Since 1992, FSL holds the status of Institute for Scientific Research and Health Care (IRCCS) awarded by Ministry of Health Care in recognition of its constant commitment to clinical, research and teaching activities in the field of neurological rehabilitation and neuroscience.